wHiteRabbiT-sTudio Framework
wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.PaintMaterialEW Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.PaintMaterialEW:
wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.PaintEW wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.wHiteRabbiTEW

Public Member Functions

override void GUIColorSelector ()
override void OnSelectionChange ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.PaintEW
override void OnDestroy ()
override void OnGUI ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void PainterMaterialEW ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.PaintEW
static void PainterEW ()
static void OnSceneGUI (SceneView sceneview)

Protected Attributes

Vector2 SV = Vector2.zero
- Protected Attributes inherited from wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.PaintEW
List< Texture2D > brushes
Vector2 scrlBrushes = Vector2.zero
- Protected Attributes inherited from wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.wHiteRabbiTEW
Texture2D logo2D
List< NewsXmlnewsXml
GUIStyle styleNone
GUIStyle styleBasic
GUIStyle styleURL
bool bPerformUndo

Static Protected Attributes

static int nLayer
static int selected
static List< PaintLayerpls
static bool HasGlossMap
static bool HasBump
static bool HasCubeMapReflection
static bool HasEmission
static bool toggleOption
static bool toggleMatDetail
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.PaintEW
static GameObject actualPaint
static SceneView.OnSceneFunc _onSceneGUIFunc
static PaintMode Mode
static bool IsInEditMode
static Texture2D brush
static Color color = Color.white
static Vector2 Scale = new Vector2(1.0f, 1.0f)
static float PressureOpacity = 1
static AngleMode angleMode = AngleMode.Random
static float GizmoScale = 1.0f
static bool UV2 = true
static bool UseLightMapTilingOffset
static Tool oldTool
static bool oldColliderState
static Collider oldCollider
static Collider paintCollider
static int oldLayer
static string SpecialName
static Vector3 up
static Mesh planeMesh
static Material mat
static Material matPaint
static Material matColor
static Material matAlphaCompo2
static string oldTexturePath
static RenderTexture rt
static int calibrePressureLevel = 1024
static float MaxJumpPixelDist = 100
static Vector2 oldUV
static Vector2 oldUVangle
static float oldScale
static float oldPressure
static float oldT = float.MinValue
static float AngleInit
static float angle
static bool ResetAngle = false
static Vector2 oldDtUV
static RenderTexture oldPaintRT
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.wHiteRabbiTEW
static Vector2 sV


static int NLayer [get, set]
static int Selected [get, set]
static List< PaintLayerPLs [get]
- Properties inherited from wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.PaintEW
GameObject thisPaint [get]
static SceneView.OnSceneFunc onSceneGUIFunc [get]
List< Texture2D > Brushes [get]
static Mesh PlaneMesh [get]
static Material Mat [get]
static Material MatPaint [get]
static Material MatColor [get]
static Material MatAlphaCompo2 [get]
static RenderTextureFormat RTFormat [get]
static RenderTexture RT [get, set]
static float MaxJumpUVDist [get]
static float Angle [get]
- Properties inherited from wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.wHiteRabbiTEW
Texture2D Logo2D [get, set]
GUIStyle StyleNone [get]
GUIStyle StyleBasic [get]
GUIStyle StyleURL [get]

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.PaintEW
enum  PaintMode {
  PaintMode.Lerp, PaintMode.Add, PaintMode.Substract, PaintMode.AlphaOnlyAdd,
  PaintMode.AlphaOnlySub, PaintMode.Flow, PaintMode.FlowSoft
enum  AngleMode { AngleMode.Constant, AngleMode.Random, AngleMode.FollowBrush }
- Public Attributes inherited from wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.wHiteRabbiTEW
string news
- Protected Member Functions inherited from wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.PaintEW
void BeginPaint ()
void EndPaint ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.wHiteRabbiTEW
void UpdateNews ()
GUIStyle StyleColor (Color c)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.PaintEW
static void Paint (bool draw)
static void Draw (Vector2 uv, float scale, float pressure, int NoCursor)

Member Function Documentation

override void wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.PaintMaterialEW.GUIColorSelector ( )

Reimplemented from wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.PaintEW.

override void wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.PaintMaterialEW.OnSelectionChange ( )

Reimplemented from wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.PaintEW.

static void wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.PaintMaterialEW.PainterMaterialEW ( )

Member Data Documentation

bool wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.PaintMaterialEW.HasBump
bool wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.PaintMaterialEW.HasCubeMapReflection
bool wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.PaintMaterialEW.HasEmission
bool wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.PaintMaterialEW.HasGlossMap
int wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.PaintMaterialEW.nLayer
List<PaintLayer> wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.PaintMaterialEW.pls
int wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.PaintMaterialEW.selected
Vector2 wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.PaintMaterialEW.SV = Vector2.zero
bool wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.PaintMaterialEW.toggleMatDetail
bool wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.PaintMaterialEW.toggleOption

Property Documentation

int wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.PaintMaterialEW.NLayer
List<PaintLayer> wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.PaintMaterialEW.PLs
int wHiteRabbiT.UnityEditor.PaintMaterialEW.Selected

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